How do the Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party need to change in order to improve their electoral performance?

Saturday, 29 May 2010


Welcome to my campaign website and what I hope you will view as your chance to have your voice heard in a members debate as to the future direction of the Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party.

There are five articles posted on this site covering issues I believe we must debate as a Party if we are to be able to move forward to a brighter future. Although I have put my thoughts on each issue into print, I know I do not have a monopoly on good ideas and as members make good arguments as to why I am wrong and the direction they believe we should pursue I will update the website content.

Comments on each subject can be treated as for public consumption or as being for internal use only. Simply start your comment "PRIVATE - ..." if you would prefer any comment you post not to be made public.

So have your say on:

Modernising our brand at:

Promoting Social Justice in Scottish Conservative Terms at:

Strengthening Conservative Future at:

Attracting new talent to our Party at:

Improving policy development through member participation at:

I put my name forward to serve as Deputy Chairman of the Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party because I believe deeply in our party, its membership and in the need for a centre right party to represent the hundreds of thousands of Scots who believe in the same things we do.

Putting it bluntly, our General Election results were not good. In all but a few seats the people of Scotland turned out to stop the Tories and not to support us despite the worst economic disaster in British peace time history.

So where do we go now? What do we change? When do we act?

All these questions are open to debate but at the time of close of nominations for the post of Deputy Chairman only candidates (by way of a survey), MSPs, and the hundred or so people able to attend the Scottish Council were being asked for their thoughts. By contesting the Deputy Chairmanship everyone now has an opportunity to help shape the debate, if they want to, and those who participate set the agenda in a truly open way.

If I am elected to the highest elected position in the voluntary Party, I am commited to ensuring a bottom to top review open to every member. Moreover, I promise all the conclusions of this review will be implemented in full, no matter how difficult some of the changes will be to carry through, because our Party is bigger than any of us and putting our countries interests before our own is what we do.

I hope you enjoy this website and participate in the debate.

Richard Cook

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